We are opening doors for construction industry guest writers
Lately, we have been concentrating all our power on SEO. We have been building strong backlinks, working on articles that rank, and optimizing our pages. Apart from PageSpeed, which was recently removed as a metric from Google.
Right now, we are in the growth stage. Slowly, our backlinks and posts are indexing, and we are slowly getting out of the Google sandbox.
Guest writers
If you work in the construction industry and are an expert in some kind of field and want to share some information, then this could be the platform for you. It doesn’t matter whether you are a contractor, engineer, ConTech owner, or blogger; you are most welcome to share a story with us.
Let’s make the construction industry stronger
Our aim is to make the construction industry stronger and more productive. We are building our content for contractors and construction industry professionals. Most of the articles are informative and contain know-how from real life experiences.
Grow with us
We know that it takes a lot of effort and time to grow your brand, gain recognition, or rank higher on Google. This is why we are opening our doors to guest writers and construction professionals who have knowledge and information to share.
You can check the guidelines for content here. Basically, there are three things that we immediately reject: AI written content, product promotions, and poor grammar. But if you have a product, you can instead write an informative article about how to use it and how helpful it is for the construction industry.
I also recommend to see our other articles to understand our way of copywriting.