Daily reports are the number one thing to be done by every site manager. Many contractors fail to understand the importance of what data actually carries in a daily report. They are probably the most valuable data on-site.
What we have understood
Here at PlanUpPro, we have understood how to use data from daily reports or logs to forecast project deadlines, forecast schedules for upcoming tasks, and estimate project budgets.
How to use it
For best performance, we suggest our clients do daily reports on a daily basis. Basically what site managers have to do is to give information about who was performing work, what works were performed, what was the approximate volume they did, and how many hours they worked in case they didn’t work a full shift. In those cases, if something didn’t go as expected, some redos, missing material, or something that was stopping workers should be made as a note. Such notes can be later reinvestigated hence they usually affect future work and productivity.
But how does all this work?
How can PlanUpPro forecast schedules and project budgets? By combining our experience in the construction field, especially, as specialty trade contractors, we have been able to make an algorithm, with which we were able to train our computer models and review thousands of different case studies. By doing so, we were able to replicate a computer model, which learns from your daily reports, remodels different scenarios, and gives you the best output. What it does in simple words, is that it acts like the best project manager and site manager combined. Usually, in the real world, they both would keep the knowledge to themselves and they would know everything about the project, while others may lack the information. With PlanUpPro it is different hence everyone with shared access can see the project performance, progress, and budget.
The best thing is that if you know when you will finish the project you can finally start to think about optimizing the organization, improving processes, improving customer relations and search for new projects.
Want to see it in action?
You can check how this works by booking a demo with PlanUpPro! Our on-site experienced sales rep (covering all experience from app features to real on-site works) will be able to show this can help your company.