We audited many construction companies from different specialties and found out that, recently, only a few have started to optimize their sites for SEO. Right now, there is huge potential for construction companies to get their foot in the door of SEO and gain more views and customers from Google for free.
Can SEO help construction companies? In short, SEO will help you boost your construction company website, which will turn into more leads and inquiries. Only recently have construction companies realized the potential of SEO. This is the best time to implement an SEO strategy.
Let’s discuss how SEO can help your construction company
Gain more site visits
Google sees everything; they know how many people visited your site, how long they stayed, how many pages they saw, how many links they clicked, and so on. They also know what kind of person visited your site, what their interests are, and what they are looking for. When someone visits your site from Google, Google is working for you; they are selling the user your site for the keyword he typed. If the user found an answer, Google would sell your site to him while you gave him the answer he was looking for. The more visits you have, the better ranking you will have. Google will value your site and your content.
Gain more inquiries
The more visits you have, the better the chance is that you will get more leads, tenders, and inquires. What can be better than receiving unexpected inquiries or tenders? But it takes time to implement the right strategy; you don’t want that your site is being visited only by ‘tourists, who don’t convert into deals. You want to bring in users who need your services!
Test new services and strategies
When you start to gain more traffic, you can test new product ideas and strategies. You can ask for or offer new services and see what the potential outcome and results are.
Reduce advertisement costs
A single click on Google ads can cost you up to $30. But if you have made your SEO strategy right, there is no limit to how many free clicks you can get from single posts. Below is the picture, and you can see the search result for concrete services. One single click of Google ads costs around 2.2 dollars, and the first page on this specific result has monthly visits of around 1700 dollars (this is an approximation; in reality, it could be three times higher). You might not kick them off the first page because they have a high site ranking. But you can easily outrank the second or third page. If you paid Google for 1700 clicks, you’d pay around $3,740 per month or $44,880 per year.

Gain brand awareness
Once the SEO strategy starts to take off and you start getting more views, you will also get more brand awareness. More people will talk about your services and your company, thereby spreading the word about you.
Attract better talent and increase the overall environment in the company
Great talent wants to work for companies that value their employees and their brand. When you start to receive the first results from your SEO strategy, people who work in your industry will start to notice your company and your services. More great employees and candidates will start to apply for your openings. Also, your existing employees will start to notice changes, and they will feel more valuable, which will increase productivity for them.
When implementing the right SEO strategy, the results and impact are endless. But it takes a lot of time, patience, and knowledge to receive results from an SEO strategy. There are many great SEO specialists with great experience, but few of them have experience in the construction industry.